5 Ways on how On-Site Security Improves Retail Security
On-Site Security: The presence of a retail security in a store or shop of any capacity automatically improves a retailer’s reputation. In this unpredictable world, a security presence shows you take your clients’ well-being seriously and want your customers to feel comfortable and relaxed on the premises. On-Site Security guards enforce safety standards to improve your retail space, whether you’re selling clothes, food, jewellery etc.
▪ Patrol the Sales Floor
The sales floor is where the business happens. Whether a big box store or small, where the goods are is where the people are, and it’s also where many thefts happen. The presence of a uniformed security guard will intimidate anyone who has plans to shoplift, damaged merchandise, or otherwise acts inappropriately. Want kindness in addition to scare tactics? A friendly security guard makes eye contact and can engage with customers to let people know they’ve been seen and are expected to behave properly.
▪ Monitor Checkouts
Thieves always operate where the money is, and that means cash registers, checkouts, and back offices are crucial areas. Security guards assigned to these areas will deter would-be thieves to ensure that your cash flow remains in the black instead of in the red. Cashing out at night or filling the drawers in the morning are also significant times for potential security incidents. The presence of a security guard makes it clear to others that unacceptable behaviour will NOT be permitted.
▪ Patrol Storage Areas
Just because merchandise may be boxed up and safely stored away does not mean it is safe from determined criminals. Security guards make retail storage areas part of their regular patrols, while also monitoring these areas through CCTV storerooms.
▪ Monitor Parking Lots
If you are an independent retailer and have a separate parking area or share a parking lot with neighbouring businesses, you want your customers to feel safe as they come and go. Security guards can be positioned at parking lot entrances and exits, patrol the area regularly to safeguard the premises, and discourage would-be criminals during the off hours.
▪ Maintain Order on Peak Shopping Days
Security guards are highly recommended for retailers all the time. Big shopping days, however, are especially critical times to have a security presence. It does not have to be Black Friday weekend for stores to get busy. A day off school, a rainy day, or a special sale will bring in more customers, and provide plenty of opportunities for trouble.
Therefore, security guards have a sixth sense for identifying suspicious behaviour. Do not allow your retail space to be at risk when 24/7 security guards can keep your store, merchandise, and customers safe.
Contact On-Site Security Ltd to discuss the right security protocols for your business.
E mail : admin@onsitesecurityltd.co.uk
Tel : 0117 914 9179