Protection for Commercial Properties

Protection for Commercial Properties

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Protection for Commercial Properties: Businesses can often be the target of crimes, especially as office buildings and stores are usually vacant throughout the night. Thus, it is vital to ensure the security of your premises.

When implementing security measures, your aims should be to increase the effort required for a criminal to carry out a crime. It is important to likelihood of him being caught so that the incentive of committing the crime is reduced.

There are numerous practices you can set in place in order to prevent the threat of theft or crime taking place on your business premises.

Start by assessing your premises

Before you consider fitting security features, carry out a full assessment of the premises.

You should consider hiring a professional security provider to survey your building, avoiding blind spots or mistakes. You will need to identify any vulnerable areas of the premises. Pay particular attention to the:

  • Side/back of premises
  • Entry points
  • Roof
  • Cellar/outbuildings
  • Loading bay

Most thieves will choose to enter at night when the building is vacant, so consider what the outer features of your premises will be like when it is dark. Is the building adequately lit outside and are the entry points securely lockable and protected (in the case of large windows)?

The roof can be a point of target for criminals too, especially a flat roof, so you’ll need to ask yourself whether the roof can be easily accessed from outside.

Also, you’ll want to consider where your valuable pieces of equipment and cash are stored. Taking measures to move certain equipment or goods from sight can decrease the likelihood of a break-in or theft, minimising the attractiveness of the premises to a criminal.

Where possible, it is crucial to leave as little money in your store or office overnight.


Protection for Commercial Properties – Install Security Features

Once you know where the most vulnerable areas on the premises are, you may install the necessary security features.

Fit sensored or permanent lighting to the exterior of the building to deter crimes.  For added security, you could install a modern alarm system and CCTV cameras (when using CCTV cameras, you must be aware of data-protection regulations). ‘Warning’ signs alerting intruders to your alarm system or CCTV can often be enough to put criminals off.

There are some practical security measures you can implement when it comes to entry points such as doors and windows. Make sure that all locks are strong and secure. Consider having shutters or grilles fitted over the main entrances and/or large windows. These will not only prevent access, but also block the view into the premises, disguising any valuable items.


Regular Spot-Checks are a must

Even once measures have been taken, it is good practice to carry out regular spot-checks to ensure the security of your premises.

Check the strength of locks for general wear and tear on a frequent basis, as well as any alarms or cameras you have had fitted.

How to tell if your business is safe?

In order to protect your business property from crime, first carry out a business premises security survey.

Once you have determined the main security risks to your business, you can decide what actions you should take. In case of doubt, consult a security professional.


Which security measures should I take?

The basic idea is to introduce measures that will delay and deter potential offenders from seeing your business as an easy target.

We have outlined below security measures that you could apply to protect your business. However, it is always a good idea to ask an expert about those on your specific facilities:

  • Secure access points: have strengthen doors fitted, ensure all window have locks, install strengthened shutters and ram raid barriers if necessary.
  • Secure the perimeter: verify that gates are secure and fences aren’t damaged or provide opportunities for access. Applying anti-climb measures can also be effective. However you must have signs to state you have them installed.
  • Control access to the business by keeping a record of who has keys or passes, and ensure employees that leave hand them back.
  • Lighting: install security lights at dark points that will come on when movement is detected.
  • Fit intruder alarms.
  • Secure equipment with asset tags and record details of serial numbers. You should also consider securing devices such as laptops and tablets to larger equipment such as desks. Secure your business assets.
  • Protect stock by keeping regular tabs on stock levels.
  • Address IT security issues such as hard-drive encryption, off-site data storage, software security updates.
  • Shred sensitive paper waste.
  • Install CCTV surveillance.


  • Any measures that you take should be legal, appropriate, realistic and cost effective.

For further guidance on securing your business property please get in touch.

Professional security consultants can offer a comprehensive risk assessment of any premises and can recommend security measures to meet the ones your business might face. Mind you, asking for that help could be your best investment.

Protection for Commercial Properties
